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EMMA 804 Polyshine (High Gloss Floor Finish)
High gloss, metalized emulsion, self-shining polish for vinyl, rubber, linoleum & sealed floors. Contain 20% polymer for long lasting deep slip resistant shine. Two or three thin costs are recommended for the best results. White emulsion with acrylic odor. Coverage approximately 250m2 per 1 US gal. per cost. Ready to use.

EMMA 805 Super Top Glass (Wet Look Floor Finish With Sealer)
A 25% solids, extra durable acrylic polish, which dries glossy and burnishes to a ‘wet look’ finish. Two or three think coasts are recommended for the nest results. White emulsion with acrylic odor. Coverage approximately 250m2 per 1 US gal. per coat. Ready to use.

EMMA 806 Apex Seal (Undercoat Floor Sealer)
A water based acrylic seal for vinyl, rubber, asphalt, terrazzo, linoleum and semi porpus floor surfaces. Provide base coat seal with satin finish which can top coated with Polyshine if required. White emulsion with acrylic odor, coverage approximately 150m2 per gal. per coat. Ready to use. pH 7.2.

EMMA 807 Creat Seal (All Weather Floor Sealer)
Create a durable and glossy finish on most floor surfaces. It is water resistant and absolutely skid-proof. New technologies solvent based fluorocarbon oil and water repellent penetrative seal for terracotta, sand stone, concrete, grout, brick and other porous floor surfaces. Does not change the appearance of natural stone. Apply by sprayer, roller, brush or mop. Clear liquid with mild acrylic odor. Ready to use.

EMMA 890 C1 Powder (Crystallization Powder for Marble and Terrazzo)
A special formulated compound used to maintain marble & terrazzo. It chemically transforms the stone surface similar to the methodology done at the factory. Coverage approximately 500sg feet per kilo.

EMMA 890 C2 Gel (Granite & Glaze Tiles)
Crystallization Liquid A special gel for the restoration and maintenance of all type of granite and glazed tile. To be used with a stone polishing machine and a steel wool pad.

EMMA 809 Buff-Up
A blend of polymer and surfactant to provide a glossy and tough protective coating for polish floor which will reduce stripping cycle.

EMMA 809 Micro-Buff (Shine Maintainer)
A spirit based silicone intensifier that impregnate into the surface of the stone and forms an invisible film within the pores and capillaries. Helps protect from water based staining and general dirt. For use on all polished and unpolished natural and artificial stone.