Cleaning Chemical
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EMMA 864 Super Wash
Highly alkaline, low foaming liquid for machine washing of dishes in gastronomy dishwashing machines. Effectively remove food stains of acid origin, of whitening properties due to active chlorine. Prevent the dishes to turn yellow. Recommended for use in canteens, bars and restaurants.

EMMA 870 Rinse Aid
It is mild detergent design to allow dishes and glasses to dry evenly without straking. Vegan and easy to use. It leaves no taste on your dishes. No phosphates are used, preserving rivers, lakes and streams. All ingredients are fully biodegradable and no harmful chemicals are left behind.

EMMA 848 D Wash
A mild perfume concentrated hand dish washing detergent with excellent grease cutting properties.
EMMA 815A Beer Glass Cleaner
Concentrated formula specially design for glass washing which effectively remove lipstick, grease and protein matter. without leaving residues aftertaste and odor.

EMMA 832 Enzymes Cleaner
Contain a special blend of concentrated non-toxic natural microbial that effectively digest oils, fats,grease and other organic matter blocking or impeding drainage system or grease traps. Is environment friendly products.

EMMA 875 Oven Cleaner
Ready to use, cleaning ovens, barbecues, grills, fireplaces, including fireplaces with panes. Effectively removes burnt and smoky contamination.

EMMA 888 Stain Away Food Grade Kitchen Equipment Cleaner
Highly foaming preparation for through cleaning and degreasing of machine equipment and all other in gastronomy and food industry. Surface in direct contact with foodstuff production, preparation and transportation.